Saturday, 9 March 2019

Duck Opening Training Day - Mar 19

The traditional 'Duck Opening' training day was held only a fortnight after our last training day, nevertheless a large turn up greeted the instructors on what was an extremely hot day. Not to be deterred handlers and dogs threw themselves into the duck-themed training session. Cane grass, plenty of water, duck blinds and an array of decoys set the scene for a successful morning's training. Training was followed by a barbeque and a raffle which appropriately featured duck shooting 'stuff'. Another successful event for WGAA.
Ollie on the way to making a retrieve.

Brian & Millie

Garry & 

Phil's dog eager to retrieve.

Shane & Slim

Blaze navigating the course.

Taking it easy, Jamie & Charley

Richard takes aim while Jazz pays attention.

Kevin, Jamie & Charley

Aussie makes a splash

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