Saturday, 9 March 2019

Duck Opening Training Day - Mar 19

The traditional 'Duck Opening' training day was held only a fortnight after our last training day, nevertheless a large turn up greeted the instructors on what was an extremely hot day. Not to be deterred handlers and dogs threw themselves into the duck-themed training session. Cane grass, plenty of water, duck blinds and an array of decoys set the scene for a successful morning's training. Training was followed by a barbeque and a raffle which appropriately featured duck shooting 'stuff'. Another successful event for WGAA.
Ollie on the way to making a retrieve.

Brian & Millie

Garry & 

Phil's dog eager to retrieve.

Shane & Slim

Blaze navigating the course.

Taking it easy, Jamie & Charley

Richard takes aim while Jazz pays attention.

Kevin, Jamie & Charley

Aussie makes a splash

Training Days - Jan & Feb 2019

WGAA has kicked off the year with two very successful monthly training days. Hot weather and drought conditions prevailed, however, the location at Riddells Creek was up to the challenge as the pics show. A large expanse of water together with retrieving runs of varying difficulty provided the ideal scenario for both beginners and more experienced dogs and handlers.
WGAA welcomes and encourages new comers and their dogs at all our training days and indeed at the Feb training day we had some 50 plus handlers, many of them first timers.