Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Perth Shot Expo – 22 & 23 October 16

Once again WGAA Vic dogs wowed large crowds at the SSAA Perth Shot Expo. Retrieves from a boat, pointing, backing, single and double marks were again the order of the day. Breeds featured were Labradors, Pointers, GSP’s, English Setters and Brittanys.

Over the past several years the WGAA teams have built up quite a reputation and have covered many kilometres with their demonstrations – Sydney 3 trips, Perth 3 trips, Melbourne many times and the Queensland members have also performed at the Brisbane Expo. Such exposure is invaluable in showing the public how a trained gundog is more than just a dog, but an invaluable part of sustainable hunting.

Congratulations to the many dogs, their handlers, choreographers, PA commentators, trap reloaders, drivers, ‘roadies’ and others who over the years have, often with their fingers crossed and heart racing, publicly performed in front of hundreds of spectators at one of the SSAA Expos. It ain’ t easy!

Please click here to see a slideshow of more photos from the day.

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