Thursday, 31 December 2009

Duck and quail seasons 2010

The acting Minister for Environment & Climate Change, Tim Holding, has declared that the Victorian duck season will run from 20 March to 30 May, a total of 72 days. This is two weeks shorter than normal, but significantly longer than last year’s 49 day season. The bag limit for 2010 is 5, of which only 1 may be an Australasian Shoveller. Also, an additional 3 wood ducks will be allowed, giving a total daily bag limit of 8 ducks per day, an increase over last year’s limit of 5 per day.
Quail season is regulated to commence on the first Saturday of April and to close on the last day of June. The daily bag limit remains at 20 birds per day.
The seasons for both duck and quail are not automatic – remember that they are the result of a lot of hard work by people from the major hunting organisations.

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