Trial Manager:Richard Chan 0448 638 243 & Kevin Phelps 0407 091 221
Entries: Entries close Friday 7th September - Draw 9th September
Entry fee:$20.00 per dog Intermediate & Advanced stake
Vetting:Vetting will take place at 8.30am sharp
Intermediate - Wayne Phelps
Advanced - Byron Kendall
Trophies:Trophy & Sash for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place getters
INTERMEDIATE is a stake confined to gundogs that have not won any stake
other than two Intermediate Stakes.
ADVANCED is a stake confined to gundogs that have not won four Advanced
stakes or one Open Stake.
Venue:Serpentine on the Lodden River
Catering: Lunch will be on sale, support WGAA by buying food and drinks.
All competitors must obey Trial manager's directives.
No one is permitted to revisit the trial site under any circumstances.
No alcohol to be consumed by handlers during runs.
Bitches in oestrum will not be permitted on the trial grounds.
All competitors must produce a current shooting license.
All persons attending the trial must sign the Range Member book.
ADVANCED is a stake confined to gundogs that have not won four Advanced
stakes or one Open Stake.
Venue:Serpentine on the Lodden River
Catering: Lunch will be on sale, support WGAA by buying food and drinks.
All competitors must obey Trial manager's directives.
No one is permitted to revisit the trial site under any circumstances.
No alcohol to be consumed by handlers during runs.
Bitches in oestrum will not be permitted on the trial grounds.
All competitors must produce a current shooting license.
All persons attending the trial must sign the Range Member book.