Wednesday, 21 June 2017

SSAA Vic Shot Expo

Well folks, the 2017 SSAA Shot Expo is all done and dusted, and what a great success it was.
The State office reports that over 17,000 people attended over the weekend, a stunning number by any measure.
The Gundog demonstrations were a real highlight and showed the very large and appreciative crowds what WGAA is all about. The boat (Aussie) and the beer (Nellie) segments went over extremely well.
Many thanks to the following members and their dogs – Sam with Nellie & Scout, Shane with Slim and also for his outstanding PA commentary, Steve & Meg, Kevin & Aussie, Henry & Riley, Rebecca & Levi, Andrew & Bass and myself with Kio. Thanks also to Jason (equipment organizer extraordinaire) and Richard, his roadie on Sunday, Tom (Gun steward), Angie (Angie for being Angie) Lyn, Kathy & Garry with Kiri for their sterling work manning the booth and talking to hundreds of people about WGAA. Kiri took heaps of pats for the team, what a limelight stealer she was!
Thanks also to Liz & John for all their help and support and especially for Liz’ efforts with the bbq in providing breakfast and lunch.
Another thank you to the many members who called in to say hello.
The club had extremely positive feedback from State and National bodies including the SSAA National President, Geoff Jones, the Victorian President, Denis Moroney and the National Secretary, Kaye McIntyre.

For more photos of the day, click here.

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

June Training Day

This is our first training session since the Melbourne Shot Expo.
The address of the training venue will be on a property near the Emu Creek bridge.

To get to the Emu Creek bridge head North West on the C743 through Bulla. Turn North onto the Melbourne-Lancefield Rd. Travel 13km then turn right onto Konagaderra Rd and it's about 1km along that road to the bridge.

Start time will be 9.00am but if you would like to help with setting up we will be there from 8.00am. There will also be a BBQ lunch at 12.00pm.

Anyone with a gundog is welcome. We cater for beginners, puppies and experienced handlers.

Any queries please contact Kevin Phelps - 0407091221