Wednesday, 27 August 2014


WGAA (Vic) is holding its annual FIELD ASSESSMENT DAY on Sunday 5 October.
Venue: Daylesford.
Starting time: Be there and registered by 8.30am.
Bring your own lunch - a BBQ will be available if you bring meat to cook.
Dogs are required to complete three basic tasks - a field run, a land retrieve and a water retrieve.  Certificates will be awarded.
The Field Assessment day is open to all breeds of gundogs of all abilities, young or old. The field and retrieving runs bear a direct relationship to real life hunting over your gundog.  Every encouragement is given by experienced trainers to help you and your dog improve even more. Beginner runs will be provided.
For further details including exact location, please contact Kevin Phelps on 0407 091 221


Date: Sunday 14th September
Stakes: Intermediate and Advanced.
Entry Fee: $15 each dog.
Entries close: 1st September, cheques payable to WGAA.
Post to:  Kathy Oliver
             11 Dreadnought St
             Sandringham 3191
Times:  Vetting 8.30am  Start 9.00am
Judge:   Intermediate TBA
                Advanced Andrew Yeomans
Trophies: Trophy and Sash for 1st place.  Sash for 2nd and 3rd place getters.
Qualifications: Intermediate is a stake confined to gundogs that have not won any stake other than two Intermediate stakes.
                           Advanced is s stake confined to gundogs that have not won four Advanced Retrieving trials or one Open Retrieving trial.
Venue: Nagambie
Catering:  Lunch will be catered for - support your club and purchase lunch on site.
Trial Managers: Contact Andrew Yeomans - Mob. 0419 773 505 email: 
or Kevin Phelps – Mob.  0407 091 221 email:
for entry forms or more information.

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Training Day Sunday 17th August

This month's WGAA training day is this Sunday 17th August.  The entry to the Melton training venue has changed.  Our usual entry  has been  fenced off  and access is now via Reserve Rd, Tullidge St and then Lakewood Blvd - see map below (Click to view in Google Maps).
 There is a small carpark on Lakewood Blvd or otherwise park in Lakeside Blvd itself.  To enter the training venue follow the rock park across the waterway. Dogs must be leashed until you reach the training site - this is a Melton Council requirement.  Name tags must also be worn.
 Training commences at 9am and concludes at approximately 12.00 with a BBQ.  Anyone with a gundog is welcome.

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