Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Training Day April

The next training day will be held on Sunday 21st April 2013 at Tullidge Reserve, Melton, Melways Ref 337 D 10.Enter the reserve off Collins St. Training commences at 9am and finishes with a BBQ lunch at around 12pm. Anyone with a gundog is welcome. Please note all training days from now until November are on the third Sunday of the month.

WGAA dogs - trained to succeed – Duck Opening 2013

All across the state of Victoria in the early hours of Saturday 16th March WGAA members were to be found wading into dark swamps, their dogs at the ready, waiting for duck season 2013 to commence. The following pics have been sent in by members and reflect what was generally a great opening.
Despite the dry weather many areas were holding plentiful ducks and the time, effort and expense put in by members in training their gundog was rewarded many times over by that magic moment when ‘Rover’ performed the perfect retrieve!
The following slide show of members, their dogs and ducks harvested at the opening captures some of the tradition and significance of this important field sport.

Please click HERE and wait for the slideshow to load.

WGAA dogs tune up for Duck Opening

The traditional WGAA Duck Opening Water Practice Day, held on the weekend before duck opening, once again proved a popular event for tuning up before the big day. 50 people and 30 dogs enjoyed the great weather and the opportunity to give their dogs some training over a variety of runs, either challenging or straightforward on both land and water.
L’Epagnuel  Bretons, German Shorthairs, Labradors, Viszlas, German Wirehairs, Springers and Pointers  all eagerly took part. Responsible, sustainable hunting requires that all shot game be retrieved and the handlers in attendance were making certain that their gundogs were ready to fulfil this requirement.

Click HERE and wait for the slideshow to load to see more photos.