There were some worried faces the day before the 'Duck Opening Practice Day'. Rain, rain and more rain had fallen in record breaking quantities across the state leading up to the event. But the Hunt, Point & Retrieve sub discipline who were organising the event need not have worried, Sunday dawned cool but sunny and dry. As the day went on things warmed up nicely.
The event, with 3 runs each offering an easier and a more difficult option, ran smoothly. In fact, it was even possible to tailor each run to suit the ability of the dog. This option proved to be very popular. All up 30 plus dogs were able to have multiple practice opportunities - which was the idea behind the day, an excellent tune up for the duck season.
The club is indeed fortunate to have access to the property. Picture perfect with two water areas, both full to overflowing, we couldn't ask for more.
A great lunch was provided which added the final touch to an ideal day - excellent property, perfect weather, fine food, good company, great training opportunities ... what could be better.
Many thanks to Wayne, Alex and Kevin who set up the runs and provided valuable assistance and guidance. Thanks also to all those who operated the throwers, much appreciated.
For more photos click HERE and wait for the slideshow to load.