Monday, 8 June 2009

Western Australia Closed Season Trials 2009

The WA Closed Season Working Gundogs Pointer &Setter Trials for 2009 saw the full gamut of trial experiences. 4 trials were conducted but only 2 managed to end with results. The first two events were run under generally good conditions, but as the weather warmed up the competing dogs found the going increasingly tough. This warm weather (the last trial was held on the warmest Perth day for 25 years – 26 degrees!) combined with the often sparse cover combined to undo the best endeavours of man and dog. However, field trials are run under natural conditions and dogs and handlers have to be able to cope with whatever is present on the day.
The first event was conducted in a huge paddock of wheat stubble that held a plenty of evenly spaced game. The dogs produced some excellent work and by late morning Alan Willee’s pointer bitch and Henry Foster’s pointer dog were awarded first and second place respectively. The following day saw a change of venue and again some quality pointer & setter work was produced by Alan’s pointer which was duly awarded first place. No other placings were awarded.
With the weather warming up the remaining two trials were something of a letdown considering the quality work that had been produced on the first two days. Dry runs, mishandling of game, control problems ... the quality of the work took a severe drubbing and no results were the order of the day.
Overall the Western Australian 4 day event was a success. Competitors flew in from 3 States to compete in the closed season format, the venues for both competition and training were the result of a lot of hard work by the organisers and the hospitality provided by the WA hosts was second to none.
Click here to see a slideshow from the trials.

WGAA (Vic) 23 & 24 May Trials.

As if the drought isn’t making things tough for bird dog owners and trial enthusiasts, the trials themselves are bedevilling things with two no results occurring at the Working Gundog May trials. The Saturday event was held deep in Victoria’s Western district and was judged by South Australian Lance Bailey Hill. Over 35 birds were seen, but none of the competing dogs were able to produce enough quality work to satisfy the man with the judging sheets. Trials are not meant to be easy and there is no value in awarding placings if the quality is not present, and this was the case on this occasion.The following day was a similar story with dogs having difficulty handling game, and no one was surprised when the judge, this time another South Australian, John Kersley, pulled the pin early in the afternoon. Just why these trials went downhill is difficult to say. No doubt the continuing drought is having an effect on both dogs and game. However, on occasions on both days various dogs did produce some fine work ... it just goes to show that trials can be fickle affairs.