Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Clean up Australia Day

WGAA members are again asked to help in Clean Up Australia Day on Sunday 1 March. The venue is the Melton Tullidge Rd. Reserve where the training days are held at 9.00am. For more information please contact Graham Hayes 9743 7402.

Sunday, 8 February 2009

Pointer & Setter trial dates

WGAA's 2009 Pointer & Setter trial dates are as follows:

25 April (WGAA Vic) - all pointing breeds, Judge D Everard.
26 April (WGAA NSW to be held in Vic) Judge V Guastella
9 May (WGAA NSW to be held in Vic) Judge A Melisi
10th May (WGAA NSW held in Vic) Judge TBA
23 May (WGAA Vic) Judge L Bailey-Hill
24 May (WGAA Vic) Judge J Kersley
29 May (WGAA WA) Closed season- all pointing breeds, Judge B Oliver
30 May (WGAA WA) Closed season - all pointing breeds, Judge H Foster
31 May (WGAA WA) Closed season - all pointing breeds, Judge D Dunn
1 June (WGAA WA) Closed season - all pointing breeds, Judge D Everard
27 Jun (WGAA Vic) Judge H Foster
28 Jun (WGAA Vic) Judge TBA

Whoa post update

Those who attended the Rick Smith seminar will remember that Rick mentioned a new whoa post article was about to be published. This article, in 2 parts, is now available on the Huntsmith website. Go to www.huntsmith.com and the two articles are currently available on the home page

Training days - March

WGAA training days continue on the 3rd Sunday of each monthat the Tullidge Rd Reserve, Melton, Melways ref: 337 D10. Training runs from 9 am until midday. Contact Graham Hayes: 97437402. All gundog breeds welcome. The March training day will be held on Sunday March 15th.

2009 Duck and Quail seasons

WGAA members will be pleased to know that common sense has prevailed and that the duck and quail seasons are both on. Duck season runs from 21.3.09 until 8.5.09, with quail season opening on 1.4.09 and closing on 30.6.09. Further information can be found on the DSE website.