Thursday, 25 September 2008

Sporting Spaniel WGAA trial - NSW

For a report and pics from this trial visit the following link

Training Day pics 21.9.08

A nice finish

Dynamic entry

All set for "Knuckles" to do his thing


Always a nice pic
End of the session

On what was a fairly cold, wet day, 12 dogs faced up to WGAA’s level 1 Field Assessment. A field run on a planted bird, a land run retrieve and water retrieve had to be completed. Although only at level 1, the tasks required were testing enough for the dogs. In the field run dog had to cover the ground well, complete a recall and a stay at distance when instructed, point or “flush” (for flushing breeds) the bird and be reasonably steady to the flush and shot. The land run was a sighted retrieve on a “rabbit” (on this occasion up hill) and the water retrieve was a sighted retrieve on a “duck” thrown into running water. The water was both cold and running reasonably hard. Some handlers elected not to ask their dogs to complete the water retrieve.

Buck goes through the cold water

Angie lining things up

Abed checking that everything is ready.

So too is Dean