Friday, 6 June 2008
Next Training Day
The next WGAA (Vic) training day is Sunday 20th July 2008. Tullidge Rd Reserve, MELTON, (Melways ref 115 D11). Starting time 9am. All gundog breeds. For further details ring Graham Hayes 97437402. Training is provided free of charge. BBQ lunch & drinks available at a nominal cost.
Thursday, 5 June 2008
WA Pointer & Setter National Field Trial (Closed Season) 1/6/08
The inaugural Western Australian Pointer & Setter National Field Trial, Closed Season (CS), was held in the Meckering area, east of Perth. The judge for this prestigious event was the well known Victorian pointer & setter personality, Bill Cross. The event was organised by the Working Gundog Association of WA (Inc), the SSAA's Gundog group in the West. Sponsorship for the event came from the SSAA National, SSAA WA and Rosendorff Jewellers, Perth.
The National was one event in a long weekend of 4 CS trials which commenced on Friday and went through to the following Monday - a tough programme for bird dogs who had to show great endurance to compete consistently over such a programme. Dogs cover many kilometres at top speed in each heat, and some dogs ran up to 3 heats each day - often in quite warm conditions, no easy task!
The National event was the third in a series of 4 trials. The form dog of the programme was the pointer dog; Koram Kris at Innistona (Imp Ire) (Major) owned and handled by Henry Foster. Major had left his opposition far behind in the previous two events and was looking unbeatable.
Field trialling commenced in the 1850's, and the basic requirements have remained unaltered over the past century and a half - winning dogs should show style, dominant game finding ability, speed and good field manners. Major's performance on the day of the National left no-one in doubt that he had met these criteria and by late in the day when there were only 2 compulsory retrieves left to perform he made no mistake - a clear winner on the day.
Runner up was the local dog, Alan Willey's pointer bitch Ywurrie Rani (Abbey), a very stylish dog who showed great endeavour over the 4 days of trialling, and today was no exception. Lacking only the number of finds produced by Major, Abbey was a worthy second place getter. No third place was awarded.
Over the weekend both Major and Abbey were awarded their WGAA Field Champion (CS) titles.
Overall results from the WA National weekend were:
Friday 30th May. Jack Pontin Memorial Pointer & Setter CS field trial: Winner H&L Foster's pointer dog WGAA F Ch Koram Kris at Innistona (Imp Ire) NFTW (CS). Runner up A&V Willey's pointer bitch WGAA F Ch (CS) Ywurrie Rani.

The National was one event in a long weekend of 4 CS trials which commenced on Friday and went through to the following Monday - a tough programme for bird dogs who had to show great endurance to compete consistently over such a programme. Dogs cover many kilometres at top speed in each heat, and some dogs ran up to 3 heats each day - often in quite warm conditions, no easy task!
The National event was the third in a series of 4 trials. The form dog of the programme was the pointer dog; Koram Kris at Innistona (Imp Ire) (Major) owned and handled by Henry Foster. Major had left his opposition far behind in the previous two events and was looking unbeatable.
Field trialling commenced in the 1850's, and the basic requirements have remained unaltered over the past century and a half - winning dogs should show style, dominant game finding ability, speed and good field manners. Major's performance on the day of the National left no-one in doubt that he had met these criteria and by late in the day when there were only 2 compulsory retrieves left to perform he made no mistake - a clear winner on the day.
Runner up was the local dog, Alan Willey's pointer bitch Ywurrie Rani (Abbey), a very stylish dog who showed great endeavour over the 4 days of trialling, and today was no exception. Lacking only the number of finds produced by Major, Abbey was a worthy second place getter. No third place was awarded.
Over the weekend both Major and Abbey were awarded their WGAA Field Champion (CS) titles.
Overall results from the WA National weekend were:
Friday 30th May. Jack Pontin Memorial Pointer & Setter CS field trial: Winner H&L Foster's pointer dog WGAA F Ch Koram Kris at Innistona (Imp Ire) NFTW (CS). Runner up A&V Willey's pointer bitch WGAA F Ch (CS) Ywurrie Rani.
Saturday 31st May. Bob Dean Memorial Pointer & Setter CS field trial: Winner H&L Foster's pointer dog WGAA F Ch Koram Kris at Innistona (Imp Ire) NFTW (CS).
Sunday 1st June. National CS Pointer & Setter field trial: Winner: H&L Foster's pointer dog WGAA F Ch Koram Kris at Innistona (Imp Ire) NFTW (CS). Runner up A&V Willey's pointer bitch WGAA F Ch (CS) Ywurrie Rani.
Monday 2nd June. WA State Pointer & Setter field trial Championship (CS): Winner B&K Oliver's pointer bitch, Wingfield Dame. Runner up A&V Willey's pointer bitch, WGAA F Ch (CS) Ywurrie Rani.
Major - 3 time winner

National winner - Koram Kris at Innistona (Imp Ire) (Major)

Gallery chatting

National gallery

Ywurrie Rani (Abbey) & Alan Willey

Maurizio Casadio & Tobenlee Zachary Ballou

Major on point

Go! John Kersley's Skraveldalens C Chili (Imp SWD)

A well earned drink break

National winners. (l-r) Henry Foster, Judge Bill Cross & Alan Willey

Ywurrie Rani waits her turn

Well done Chili

A good vantage point

The Retrieving Committee was delighted to have secured Wayne Phelps as the Judge,
who put on three very good runs for this level. The Committee was also pleased with the
entry - ten was a good number of dogs.
First Run: The rabbit run of about 65 metres was a good challenge for the handler – first to position the dog in the right place to obtain good sight of the rabbit when popped from the thrower. The firing point pegs were placed between a couple of bushes, some dogs broke on the firing of the gun, and this complicated the retrieve.
Second Run: Next up was the quail run The judge wisely used the natural terrain to provide a good quail run of about 70 metres. The clay thrower was about 35 metres (well concealed) slightly to the right and in front of the handler and dog, and the “quail” was thrown into fairly thick cover. Dogs that broke paid the price by not accurately marking the fall.
Third Run: The final run was the duck run. This was a good natural shooting run of about 60 metres. The dog was positioned on the bank amongst big trees, and about 30 metres along the bank on the same side a duck was cast In flight it appeared to be flying through the trees, the dogs would have been impressed with the shooting of all handlers to hit the bird, which, when it fell, gave a large splash falling in a little bit of surface cover on the water. The dog had the challenge to show good perseverance to retrieve the bird.
Everyone was pleased with the runs and good gun dog work was shown at this level of development as retrieving gun dogs.
Placings: Winner: Tim Cloke – Kumile Crackshot
Second: Gary Bristow – Woldjaeger Birthday Girl
Third: Bill Allen – Windkael Rusticana
Congratulations to all three place getters:
Bill who is rekindling his interest in retrieving trials.
Gary who knows the meaning of devotion and loyalty as his dog had been struggling with some health issues.
And of course, Tim, the club’s youngest trialer who showed everyone the way to do it, and is the future of our club and sport.
Knuckles nails it
Judge: Wayne Phelps on the job

Brittany looking good
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